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Legal Marketplaces: Everything You Need to Know

Alex Onion

Written by

Alex Onion


April 5, 2023

What is a legal marketplace, and how do they work? In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the benefits of this legal platform for lawyers.

Onlinelegal marketplaces are changing how people learn about and access legalservices. Traditionally, hiring a lawyer meant thumbing through a phone book orrelying on word-of-mouth recommendations.

But withthe rise of legal marketplaces, finding and hiring a lawyer has become easierand more affordable than ever before. These platforms are a powerful marketingtool for law firms who are seeking new clients, offering a digital space toshare more information about your business.

But with somany options available, knowing which legal platform is right for your firm canbe challenging. In this blog post, we'll explore some basic definitions andbenefits of online legal marketplaces and offer tips for finding the best onefor your legal needs.

What is a legal marketplace?

An onlinelegal marketplace is a platform that connects individuals or businesses withlawyers and other legal professionals. These marketplaces typically allow usersto browse and compare legal talent based on their experience, specialty, andother relevant factors.

Users canthen hire legal counsel and communicate with them online in just a few clicks.Legal marketplaces offer a range of legal services, including documentpreparation, consultations, and representation in court. These platforms aim tomake legal services more accessible and affordable by providing a centralizedlocation for users to find and hire lawyers.

How does a legal services marketplace work?

In general,here's how potential clients engage with a legal services marketplace:

1.     Sign up: Users first create an account on the legal marketplace platform.

2.     Search and compare: Users can search for lawyers or legal services by specifying theirlegal needs, location, and other relevant criteria. The platform will then showa list of lawyers or firms that match. Users can compare lawyers and firmsbased on their experience, reviews, and other factors.

3.     Connect: Once users find a lawyer or legal service provider they want to workwith, they can communicate with them through the platform's messaging system orschedule a consultation or appointment.

4.     Hire: If theuser is satisfied with the lawyer or legal service provider, they can hire themthrough the platform. Payment may be made through the platform as well.

5.     Manage: Throughout the legal process, users and lawyers can use the platformto communicate, share documents, and track progress.

Who can use a legal marketplace?

Legalmarketplaces have two main audiences:

·       Clients seeking legal representation

·       Law firms seeking new clients

Anyone whoneeds legal services can use a legal marketplace. This includes individuals,businesses, startups, and organizations. Legal marketplaces are designed toprovide a convenient and affordable way for people to connect with lawyers andseek legal advice, regardless of their location, budget, or legal needs.

Conversely,lawyers can use the legal marketplace to promote their business and attractideal clients. For example, if you specialize in a certain practice area orhave specialized legal experience, you can share that in your online profileand communicate with new leads directly within the legal marketplace itself.

Read more: How to Get MoreClients for Your Law Firm?

Legalmarketplaces aim to make legal support more accessible and affordable foreveryone. However, it's important to note that not all legal matters may besuitable for a legal marketplace, and some may require in-person consultationor personal representation.

What type of services do legal marketplaces offer?

Law firmscan use a legal services marketplace to:

·       Find clients near you

·       Share more about the legal services you offer

·       Share contract samples and other examples of your work

·       Communicate directly with potential new clients

Potentialnew clients might use an online legal marketplace for help with simple legalservices like:

·       Employment contracts and other documents

·       Setting up a business as an LLC

·       Submitting a lease agreement, prenuptial agreement, or employmentcontract review

·       Writing business documents, like terms and conditions or a privacypolicy

Clientsmight also use a marketplace to retain a lawyer for longer-term cases, or tohire in-house counsel for their business. Or they might reach out to you with aquick question. In general, legal marketplaces make it much easier and lesstime-consuming to engage with new clients.

Benefits of using a legal marketplace

Using alegal marketplace can offer several benefits for law firms, including:

Increased visibility

Legalmarketplaces allow law firms to reach a wider audience and increase theirvisibility among potential clients. By having a presence in a legalmarketplace, law firms can showcase their expertise and services to a largepool of potential clients.

Cost-effective marketing

Legalmarketplaces can be a cost-effective way for law firms to market theirservices. Instead of investing in expensive advertising or marketing campaigns,law firms can leverage the marketplace's platform and marketing efforts to reachnew clients.

Watch Now: How to Market YourLaw Firm Ethically and Effectively

Streamlined client acquisition

Legal marketplacesprovide a platform for law firms to connect with clients who are activelyseeking legal services. This can streamline the client acquisition process andsave time and resources compared to traditional marketing and networkingefforts.

Client management tools

Many legalmarketplaces offer client management tools that can help law firms manage theirinteractions with clients, such as scheduling appointments, tracking payments,and sharing documents.

Increased efficiency

By using alegal marketplace, law firms can automate certain tasks and workflows, such asbilling and document sharing. This can increase efficiency and free up time forlawyers to focus on providing legal services to clients.

Overall,using a legal marketplace can help law firms capture more leads faster,ultimately leading to increased revenue and growth.

How much does it cost to use a legal marketplace?

The cost ofusing a legal marketplace can vary depending on the platform and the servicesoffered. Here are some of the common types of fees associated with legalmarketplaces:

6.     Subscription fees: Some legal marketplaces charge lawyers and law firms a monthly orannual subscription fee to be listed on the platform.

7.     Commission fees: Many legal marketplaces charge a commission fee based on the lawyer’sfee percentage for each client acquired through the platform. The commissionfee can range from 10-30%, depending on the platform and the services provided.

8.     Transaction fees: Some legal marketplaces charge a transaction fee for each paymentprocessed through the platform.

9.     Additional fees: Some legal marketplaces may charge additional fees for value-addedservices, such as advertising or marketing services.

It'simportant to note that while using a legal marketplace can be more cost-effectivethan traditional marketing and networking efforts, the fees associated with theplatform should be considered when evaluating its value. Before using a legalmarketplace, it's recommended to research and compare different platforms andtheir fees to find the one that best fits your needs and budget.

How much can attorneys make on legal marketplaces?

The sky'sthe limit! There's no cap on how much you can make from online legalmarketplaces. Lawyers can charge their usual rates on a platform or choose toprovide services for fixed fees. The more clients you connect with, the moreprofit you'll make!

The 8 best lawyer marketplaces to join in 2023

Where doclients seek online legal services most often? Here are the top eight legalmarketplaces you should consider joining this year:


Avvo is alegal marketplace that connects individuals and businesses with lawyers acrossvarious practice areas. The platform offers users access to a directory oflawyers, reviews from past clients, and a Q&A section where users can asklegal questions and receive answers from lawyers. Avvo also provides legalresources such as articles and guides to help users understand their legaloptions and make informed decisions.


UpCounselis a legal marketplace that connects businesses with experienced lawyerson-demand. The platform offers various legal services, including contractdrafting and review, intellectual property protection, and employment law.UpCounsel's technology platform allows businesses to manage their legalprojects and collaborate with lawyers in real-time. The platform also offerstransparent pricing and a satisfaction guarantee to ensure that clients aresatisfied with the legal services they receive. is a legal marketplace that connects individualsand businesses with lawyers in their local area. The platform offers adirectory of lawyers across various practice areas, as well as legal resourcessuch as articles and guides. also offers alegal plan subscription service that provides members with access to legalconsultations, document reviews, and other legal services.


LegalMatchis a legal marketplace that connects individuals and businesses with lawyersacross various practice areas. The platform uses a matching algorithm toconnect users with lawyers with the expertise to handle their legal needs.LegalMatch also provides users with reviews from past clients and asatisfaction guarantee to ensure that they are satisfied with the legalservices they receive.

Legal Shield:

LegalShield is a legal services provider that offers a variety of legal services toindividuals and businesses. The platform provides members with access to legalconsultations, document reviews, and other legal services. Legal Shield alsooffers a mobile app that allows members to access legal services on the go. Theplatform's subscription-based model offers members affordable and convenientaccess to legal services.


LegalZoomis a legal services provider that offers a variety of legal services toindividuals and businesses. The platform provides users with access to legalforms, documents, and services such as business formation and trademarkregistration. LegalZoom's technology platform allows users to complete legaltasks online, with the option to consult with a lawyer if needed. Theplatform's user-friendly interface and affordable pricing make it a popularchoice for individuals and small businesses.

Lawrina Match:

LawrinaMatch is a legal marketplace that connects individuals and businesses withlawyers across various practice areas. The platform offers a directory oflawyers and legal resources such as articles and guides. Lawrina Match'stechnology platform allows users to manage their legal projects and communicatewith lawyers in real time. The platform also offers transparent pricing and asatisfaction guarantee to ensure that clients are satisfied with the legalservices they receive.

Rocket Lawyer:

RocketLawyer is a legal services provider that offers various legal services toindividuals and businesses. The platform provides users with access to legaldocuments and services such as business formation and contract drafting. RocketLawyer's technology platform allows users to complete legal tasks online, withthe option to consult with a lawyer if needed. The platform also offers amobile app allowing users to access legal services. Rocket Lawyer's affordablepricing and user-friendly interface make it a popular choice for individualsand small businesses.

How to get started with a lawyer marketplace

Once you'velearned about all the marketplaces available, you might wonder, "Where dowe begin?"

Here are afew tips as you're getting started:

10.  Try a few different platforms. It's always a good idea to test the waters andfind out where you’ll most likely to get a high volume of new client leads. So,claim a few free listings on different platforms to see what works best.

11.  Be consistent. Branding is everything, so make sure you share the same businessinformation and messaging on all the platforms you try.

12.  Make your profile shine. High-quality images and copy will help yourprofile stand out. Remember, your profile is like your business card, so putyour best foot forward.

13.  Seek reviews from happy clients. These days, a good review is everything. Newleads want to hear from former clients about their experiences working withyour firm, so ask a few happy customers to share their thoughts.

Legal Marketplaces: final thoughts

Inconclusion, legal marketplaces are transforming the legal industry by providinga more efficient and cost-effective way for lawyers and law firms to connectwith clients. By leveraging the power of technology and data, legalmarketplaces can match clients with lawyers who have the expertise to handletheir legal needs. They also provide lawyers with access to a wider range ofpotential clients and offer value-added services such as marketing andadvertising.

While legalmarketplaces are not without their challenges, they are quickly becoming amainstream channel for client acquisition and are likely to continue to grow inpopularity. By embracing legal marketplaces, lawyers and law firms can takeadvantage of their many benefits and stay ahead of the curve in a rapidlyevolving legal landscape.

And don'tforget—technology is just as important once you've engaged a new client andstart working on their case. Legal case management software is crucial tosupport you throughout your client's journey, from intake to billing.

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