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Gort Law

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1 employee
Jupiter, FL
Smokeball’s automatic time tracking solved a solo practitioner’s biggest roadblock.

Mike Gort is a tech-savvy lawyer who has a wealth of experience ranging from big law to two decades as a public investment banker. As a long-time early adopter, Mike knew that automation had to play a key role in successfully running his firm. With Smokeball, Mike increased his billable hours while maintaining the same working hours, and now runs his firm with only a virtual assistant.

Caught in the firm  

As a solo practitioner, Mike recognized he was responsible for all progress—and any constraints—at Gort Law. His previous legal practice management software required too much time working in the firm rather than on the firm, as the saying goes. Mike sought a solution that would eliminate one of his biggest roadblocks, time tracking, and give him the freedom to focus on production and growth.

Working on the firm  

Mike adopted Smokeball for its automatic time tracking and document automation features. Now, every billable minute is captured for easy review. Mike also can provide hard data on how he spends his time for judges in his bankruptcy fee petition cases and for any questioning clients. This data fuels matter reporting,which Mike analyzes to see which cases have been most profitable. In turn, these insights allow him to make informed decisions as a business owner. Thanks to Smokeball’s reporting, Mike no longer prepares petitions after realizing it wasn’t financially beneficial.

Mike also relies on document automation. “It will really drive this year’s growth. It’s the single biggest time saver after AutoTime,” says Mike, because in a few clicks he can prepare accurate forms that require no data re-entry.

Driving growth

Thanks to these features, Mike saw a 50% increase in his billables without working more hours the month after he transitioned to Smokeball. Additionally, he no longer requires an on-site assistant. Mike uses a 24/7 virtual receptionist service to further optimize his automated workflows. Smokeball helps Mike run a successful firm by giving him the tools and time to pursue growth and client success.

Gort Law
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Documentation automation is the single biggest time-saver after automatic time tracking.

Mike Gort, Owner, Gort Law


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